20 September 2024

CYP LOWER – Jeans for Genes in Little Cypress

Settling in,,,,,

Another fabulous week has whizzed past in Little Cypress! The children are becoming increasingly independent and confident in understanding the routines of Rainbows and Nursery and are settling in so well. We really appreciate the co-operation of parents and carers in supporting us with this transition to life at Cypress and encouraging age-appropriate independence.

Jeans for Genes 

The week culminated in Friday’s ‘Jeans for Genes’ day where we wore our jeans or denim items and donated money to this important charity. Please click here to find out more information about this fantastic organisation. Even Seve, our school dog, dressed up in his denim dungarees, although he was a bit embarrassed and sulked for part of the day in protest! The children, however, gave him lots of love and cuddles..

Makaton Sign of the Week

Each week in Little Cypress we learn a new Makaton sign. Click here to find out more about Makaton.  This week’s sign is ‘pirate’. Click here to see how to sign the word ‘pirate’.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team


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Published on 20th September, 2024

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