Spring has (almost) Sprung!
Finally, at least at certain times in the week, Spring has sprung! The daffodils are in full bloom opposite the entrance to Little Cypress and sometimes the sun chooses to make an appearance. Like any typical British Spring, we have also had torrential rain, hail stones and freezing cold mornings. We have taken it all in our stride, however, in Rainbows and Nursery, and embraced all that Mother Nature has thrown at us. As they say in the Early Years, there is no such thing as bad weather; just bad clothing!
We have been thinking about our mummies and why we love them, ahead of Mother’s Day in a couple of weeks. In Nursery, we have been making some beautiful artwork for our Mother’s Day cards in the form of Spring flowers, expertly printed using celery! In Rainbows, we have been painting portraits of our mummies and thinking carefully about what they look like to ensure we are using the right coloured paint!
Celebrating Holi
This week we learned all about the Hindu festival of Holi. Millions of Hindus across the globe are celebrating Holi, the Festival of Colours. This Spring festival symbolises the victory of good over evil and marks the end of Winter and the start of Spring. People light a bonfire, smear or spray friends and family members with coloured powder and water, and feast on traditional sweets prepared for the occasion. Learn more about this colourful and fun festival here.
Makaton Sign of the Week
As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. This week’s sign is woman or lady. Click here to see how to sign this word.
Other news…..
In other news, this week our Rainbow certificates were awarded to Miles and Audrey in Rainbows and to Haroon and Denzin in Nursery. Very well done to you all!
The children in Nursery have been mathematical masters this week and particularly interested in making towers with Multilink, as well as using Numberblocks for inspiration to re-create the different numbers in shape form.
The children have all loved our new, improved Home Corner and have been making some delicious looking meals in there!
What a busy, busy week…
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team