11 October 2024

CYP LOWER – Autumnal Fun in Little Cypress!

Autumnal Times 

Another fantastic week has flown by in Little Cypress! The children are becoming increasingly confident in understanding the routines and knowing what to do and when. Transitions and change can be really difficult for young children but our Rainbow and Nursery children are showing us what independent and resilient learners they are as the term progresses. It is difficult to believe that we are now almost at the end of the first half term in Little Cypress! How time flies!

The season of ‘mists and mellow fruitfulness’ is firmly upon us and we are learning to put on our coats when we play outside and put them back on our pegs once we come back in. Please practise putting on coats with your children at home!

The children have loved creating patterns with the natural resources this week and showed the adults what amazing imaginations they have and how they are able to (usually!) work collaboratively with each other to produce a desired outcome.

We have many avid readers in Little Cypress and the children love to read books in the book corners and outside, and a crowd always gathers when adults are reading with their keyworker children. How lovely that so many Rainbows and Nursery already have a favourite bank of stories and books that they love to read and re-read!

Makaton Sign of the Week 

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. This week’s sign is ‘postbox’. Click here to see how to sign the word ‘postbox’.

Enjoy the weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team


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Published on 11th October, 2024

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