28 March 2023

Atwood Reception – Medical staff to the rescue!

As part of out ‘To the Rescue!’ topic, we have been focussing on people who recue us when our health is in an emergency.  The children started their learning by discussing who might help us when our bodies are unwell or we have had an accident, and also what constitutes an emergency.  We discussed if a slight bump into a chair would be an emergency or falling off a cliff and who we would need in these different situations.  The children absolutely loved role playing being medical professionals and were very attentive to all of the soft toys in class who were suddenly falling ill and hurting themselves.

We were very lucky to have a visit from Doctor Steph, a paediatric anesthetist.  She explained what she does as part of her job, demonstrating giving injections and using the oxygen apparatus.  The children loved exploring all of the equipment, especially shooting water through the canula equipment!  She told us what we needed to do if we wanted to become a doctor, which many of the children then decided they wanted to also be when they grew up.

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Published on 28th March, 2023

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