24 November 2023

Atwood Early Years news – aeroplanes, rainbows and colours in our amazing world

What an amazing world we live in.  The children in Early Years have been outside enjoying the changing weather, and appreciating the last bit of sun for the year.  It’s been wonderful watching the children playing so nicely together and forming all of their new friendships.

In Reception we have been looking at the book, ‘Emma Jane’s Aeroplane’.  In the story, the changing weather is a key part of what guides their plane journey.  We have been monitoring our own sky and watching it’s changes and predicting what that might mean for the weather.   We have also been busy making our own planes using the building materials and thinking about where we would go if we could fly off in our own plane.  While researching into the places Emma Jane from the story went to, and also where we have travelled to by plane, we used maps of the world and globes to find where all of the different places are.

The Reception children have also been learning about the different ways to make numbers up to five.  They explored the different compositions of numbers and represented our findings in ‘stampoline’ pictures like the characters from Numberblocks.

Nursery have had lots of fun exploring the colours of the rainbow.  We have looked at the colours around us and thinking about what our favourite one may be.  We have been building our fine motor skills by mark making using cotton buds dipped in paint to create a rainbow.  We have also free painted our own version of a rainbow, trying to remember what colours to use and the order they are in.  We also had lots of fun doing the skittle experiment.  This helped us to understand that in warm water the skittle’s shell dissolves and when the colours meet it produces different colours.

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Published on 24th November, 2023

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