This week in Reception, we have started our new topic entitled ‘Once Upon A Time’. We started our new fairy tales topic by looking at the story of ‘Little Red riding Hood’. On Monday, we returned from lunch to find a letter from the Wolf declaring that he was going to visit us at the end of the week. The children were a bit nervous about a bad wolf coming to visit us, so we revisited our school values and thought about how we could show him kindness so that he hopefully wouldn’t be so bad anymore, and instead would be a big, good wolf. We learned all about what a question in, and how it needs to ask something rather than tell you something. We used the ‘5 w’s’ of ‘who, what, where, when, why (and how)’ to help us make question sentences.
Friday finally arrived and the Big Bad Wolf stayed true to his word and visited Reception classes after lunch time. The children were very good at putting their hands up to ask him their questions and listening to the answers. Some of the children showed a lot of kindness to the wolf, one child offered to build him a house using the waffle bricks when it was discovered that the wolf does not have a house to live in and another child offered for him to join our school when he said he was lonely and that was why he was always in such a bad temper.
During the rest of the week, we have focussed on growing. Forest school started up again, and the first groups went to the allotment section of our woodland area and worked together to clear one of the beds of weeds. We planted vegetable seeds, which will hopefully give us a bumper crop of potatoes, beetroot amongst other delicious things which we can eat later in the year. Back in Reception the planting continues, with planting on our sunflower seedlings, which have germinated fantastically in our reclaimed cold frame.