05 July 2024

ATW Reception News – Worms and butterflies

This week in Reception, the children have learned about worms. They now know that worms belong to the classification of animals called invertebrates as they have no backbone. They learned that earthworms like to live in cool, dark and damp places as they will die if their skin dries out. Worm poo, or castings, help make the soil better for growing flowers and vegetables. The children did lots of gardening this week, repotting the tomato plants they had grown from seeds. While digging in the soil, lots of worms were found and were closely inspected.

The children have focussed on making predictions. They were thinking about the meaning of the word and how to make a sensible prediction. While reading the book ‘Superworm’ by Julia Donaldson, they thought about how the creatures might rescue Superworm from the evil Wizard Lizard’s magic spell. Many elaborate plans were created, although most included putting him in the bin!

The butterflies emerged from their chrysalis state, much to the children’s delight. They observed them for a couple of days, feeding them fruit and sugar water, before setting them free for the next stage in their life cycle.

Red Class had their last Forest School session this week, with the whole class going to our woodland area. A class fire was created to roast the potatoes that the children had grown.

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Published on 5th July, 2024

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