As part of our topic ‘To the Rescue!’, we have continued looking at the book ‘Supertato’. The children made their own Supertato by combining a potato with other resources to create a representation of the superhero.
As part of our learning, we focussed on what makes a healthy diet and why it is so important to eat healthily. The children began the week by taste-testing various healthy vegetables and discussing how they tasted. We then learned about a balanced diet and how we can ensure we are eating all of the things we need to to keep us fit and healthy. The children worked in groups to design their healthy snacks. Later in the week we went to the shop to buy all of the ingredients for their snacks. On return to school, the children made their snacks with the support of the parent volunteers. Everyone had a lot of fun and enjoyed eating all of the yummy food created. Thank you to all of the adults who volunteered their time to support us on this trip.
Yellow class had a visit from Nurse Karin (Leo’s grandma). She told us all about the important job she does. Firstly, she explained that nurses can work in different places and then showed us the uniforms she wears when working in an ambulance, a GP’s surgery, and a hospital. Karin demonstrated the various equipment she used, such as a blood pressure machine and stethoscope. We looked at X-rays on the board and felt our bodies to see if we could find the corresponding bones. She demonstrated how to put on a sling and a bandage if you have a hurt arm or leg. Most of the children were keen to have a bandage applied to their arm or leg. They used these to roleplay being hurt or a nurse for the rest of the afternoon.
Thank you Nurse Karin for giving up your time to come in and give us an informative talk.