In Reception this week, we read the book, ‘Peepo’ by Janet and Allan Ahlberg. We used the story to help us think about how things change over time. The children brought in photos of themselves as babies and had a lot of fun guessing who each one was. We discussed how we had changed over time and how we could do many more things now than we could when we were first born. The children thought it was hilarious looking at the images of the teaching staff as babies. It prompted an interesting discussion about how in the past the staff were also 4 and 5 years old and how much they had changed since then.
In Mathematics, the children have been recapping what they have learned so far and have been applying their knowledge to lots of different activities. In PE, the children demonstrated excellent gross motor skills by climbing over, under and through the large climbing equipment. Balance and coordination were shown while walking across balance beams and jumping off various equipment. Finally, we have had a lot of fun focussing on the people we love and how to spread kindness as Valentine’s day approached at the end of the week.