16 May 2024

ATW Reception news – Growing, nature and music making

This week in Reception, the children have been busy looking at growing. We started the week by looking at the beanstalk from the story ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and thinking about how it grew so big. We decided to have a go at growing our beanstalks to see if we could make ours as big as Jack’s. The children researched what we needed. Then we got pots, compost, and seeds. We discovered that warmth and water were needed to wake the seeds up, which is why they hadn’t germinated in the dry seed packet. Once we had finished our planting, we created a plant stake to support the bean as it grows.  We then put a cloud and castle at the top just like in the story!

The children have also planted cress seeds. Everyone wrote fantastic instructions saying what you need to do to grow cress. We are now monitoring the growth of this quick-growing plant.

Our garden area is starting to burst into life and the children have been busy weeding, planting seeds and watering the plants. The bees and insects are visiting us. The children have been caring and rescued a bee that was stuck in our water pot. A family of blue tits have laid eggs in our birdhouse. The children have been watching the parent birds zooming in and out all day to get food for the chicks that are chirping inside the box.

A new addition to our outdoor classroom arrived this week; a fantastic xylophone. The children have been making music and singing in our stage area, much to everyone’s delight. Our thanks go to the FOAP who paid for the xylophone which will be used for years to come.


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Published on 16th May, 2024

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