28 June 2024

ATW Reception News – Frogs and fires

This week in Reception, the children have been learning all about frogs. We looked at the book Tadpole’s Promise by Jeanne Willis. In the story, a tadpole and a caterpillar fall in love. The tadpole promises the caterpillar that he will never change, but nature has other ideas. He grows legs and absorbs his tail, causing the caterpillar to become very upset. The children made predictions of how they thought the story would end. There were lots of suggestions about them becoming friends again and getting married. The teacher read the rest of the story, and the ending was a shock that nobody had predicted!

The children learned about frog life cycles. They demonstrated excellent knowledge, recalling the metamorphosis they observed with the tadpoles in Reception’s outdoor classroom.  A very exciting development happened this week as some of the tadpoles have grown all four legs and are close to becoming froglets.  

Everybody got excited about England’s third game in the Euros.  The children enjoyed making football tables using shoe boxes, dowel rods and pegs.  They were mini carpenters as they used the saws to cut the wood to the appropriate length.  They chose the colours for the different teams and decorated pegs to become the football players.  Everybody enjoyed playing with the finished product.

In Forest School, the children learned how to make fairy fires. They used their strong hand muscles while using the dragon sneezers (flint and steel) to create sparks to light their cotton wool. They were very sensible during the whole procedure and showed us that they were ready for a big whole class fire in the next session.  

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Published on 28th June, 2024

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