This week in Reception, we have been rather busy yet again. We continued using the story “Naughty Bus” by Jan and Jerry Oke and extended our learning by creating a version of the book. The children learned how to use the iPads to take photos of a toy bus in various locations around the Reception setting. They orally practiced their sentences to describe where the bus was in their picture. They then used their developing phonics knowledge to write a caption to accompany their photo. All of the children’s work was then collated into a class book. I think you’ll agree that they have done an amazing job considering they have only been in school for 41 days!
Across the Pegasus Trust, the children learn about building learning powers to help them achieve their full potential. The ‘Tryosaur’, who has a go at everything, was introduced a few weeks ago. This week, the children were taught about the Resilosaurus. While the Tryosaur has a go at everything, the Resilosaurus keeps going even when those things we are trying are hard to do. We thought about techniques we could use when things are hard and we want to give up, such as looking at the bigger picture and thinking about why we want to do this thing. We practiced our breathing techniques, such as using our breathing hand, and thought about ways to support each other through help and positive encouragement.
As this week is Friendship Week, the children have been celebrating the new friendships they have made since joining Reception at the beginning of September. Teamwork and kindness have been a focus and we have looked at what makes a good friend to help us create an even better family of Reception children.