11 October 2024

ATW Early Years News -Autumn, Black History Month and Peace at Last

In Reception this week, the children have been learning about the seasons. The focus book this week was ‘The Leaf Thief’ by Alice Hemming and Nicola Slatter. In the story, the main character is alarmed that the leaves are being ‘stolen’ from the tree he lives in. His friend helps him see that it is just the wind blowing the leaves away and that it happens every year in autumn. The children have been investigating autumn leaves by drawing them and making leaf rubbings and bunting. A walk around the school grounds was undertaken to spot all of the signs of autumn.
This month is Black History Month and the children have been learning about why we celebrate this. We have looked at why people might move to different places around the planet and have been learning about different people who have done amazing things throughout history, such as Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.

This week in Nursery, the children have been recapping the story ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy. The children painted their own representation of a bear (even some with spikey hair!) and added actions alongside the story including; ‘Snoring’ like Mrs Bear, playing aeroplanes like Baby Bear and repeating the refrain “I can’t stand THIS” like Mr Bear.  The outdoor building blocks have been a big hit this week with many children making models such as; Rockets, surfing and a toilet! Our focus number has been the number 4.The children can identify the number 4 around the nursery room, create 4-block towers and have a go at writing the number 4 too.


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Published on 11th October, 2024

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