21 June 2024

ATW Reception News – Aaaarrgghh, spiders!

We have been learning about spiders this week as we have been reading the book “Aaaarrgghh, spider!” by Lydia Monks. In the story, the spider was excluded because it was thought he was scary but all he wanted was to be included and be a pet. We thought about how sad and lonely we feel when we are left out. We then came up with lots of ideas of how to include people with our kind thoughts, words and actions. We created posters to remind everybody how to make friends and look after one another.

We learned lots of facts about spiders and created a fact file where we recounted so many of the new things we had learned. We found spiders all over our setting and collected them to observe how they move and what they do. We were very lucky to find a giant house spider which we loved watching. While we were looking at him, he started to make a web, and we  proudly told our teachers that he was using his spinneret to make the web silk. After a short while, we decided that we needed to find a more natural habitat for him to live in, so we chose to put him in the bug hotel where there are lots of holes for him to hide.

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Published on 21st June, 2024

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