28 June 2024

ATW Nursery News – Trees and shapes

In Nursery we have been continuing to read the book ‘Tree’ and have had many discussions about what can be found in a forest.  The children enjoyed making their own playdough animals last week, so we followed this on by making our own animals using paint or collage.  They got really involved and enjoyed being able to make their own decisions about how their animals should look.  We went for a walk around the field to see what animals we could discover and hear but the children couldn’t really see the birds as they were so high up in the trees.  We came back and had a discussion about what we could use to help us to see further away. The children had some good ideas such as magnifying glasses and binoculars.  So off we went to make our binoculars. We used our fine motor skills to colour and cut them out and set off back to the field to see if we could find any animals.  The children were so happy to be using their binoculars, looking up into the trees, watching the birds and singing songs to them! We stayed there for a while exploring our senses and before we came back, some children even thought they could see the aliens flying over from last week!
We have also been looking at different shapes this week and learning songs for each one.  We have focused on circles, squares, triangles and rectangles.  We have enjoyed searching for the different shapes hidden around Nursery and making sure that we knew what each shape was.  This has encouraged us to start investigating shapes within the environment.  The children enjoyed learning the songs for each shape and hopefully they can remember them to share with you over the weekend.

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Published on 28th June, 2024

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