This week in nursery, our learning of 2D shapes continued and we focused on Squares. The class learned the properties of a square, its 4 equal sides, and 4 corners. We used squares within the provision, including adding objects to the outline of squares and printing and drawing squares during our maths carpet session using whiteboards.
Our sound this week for Phonics has been ‘a’. The children have been able to search for objects around the room and put them on our sound table including an apple from our snack collection!
On Tuesday we had a very important visitor from the oral hygienist. She introduced us to her Dino friend ‘Dinky’ who needed to brush his teeth. Collectively, the children identified Dinky needed his toothbrush and toothpaste to successfully brush his teeth. The oral hygienist, Olga, reminded us that we need to brush twice a day and for 2 minutes. One by one, the children came up to the front to practice their brushing skills, using a giant toothbrush and giant teeth. As well as the importance of brushing their teeth, the children were asked to identify healthy foods for their teeth and foods that are not so healthy. Finally, we all learned how to brush our teeth to the tune of ‘Hokey Cokey’. “You put your toothbrush in, toothbrush out, in, out, in, out and all around, the top and bottom, front and back then we move around, circle circle circle circle, circle circle circle circle, circle circle circle circle, then we spit it out!”. Each child came away with information for parents and a toothbrushing chart for home. Thank you for visiting, Olga!