05 July 2024

ATW Nursery News – sea creatures and gardening

We have had another busy week in Nursery.  We have been reading the book ‘Commotion in the ocean’ in which the children have been trying to remember the different poems.  It has inspired us to explore different animals that are found in the sea and encouraged us to create our own sea creatures.  Not only did we use our imagination to create our own sea creatures, we also used our fine motor skills to weave the fish a colourful coat.

We had a great time during our Errol’s garden workshop. We started by making music using wooden blocks to warm up our muscles.  We learnt a few gardening songs and pretended to be a seed and completed a dance to help us understand how seeds grow.  We then drew a picture of how we envisioned our seeds would look once fully grown and put them in the bottom of our pots.  We got stuck into filling our pots carefully with soil and made a hole for our seed.  The children are really excited to see how they grow.

We had our very last forest learning in Nursery where we all enjoyed exploring the mud kitchen, looking at different bugs and creating different patterns in the mud.  We ended it by sitting around the camp, listening to the birds, talking about the forest and singing a few songs to the forest fairies.

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Published on 5th July, 2024

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