23 May 2024

ATW Nursery News – Science and goodbyes

We’ve had such a busy last week in Nursery.  We have enjoyed science week, completing different experimentsThis encouraged us to put our thinking caps on and predict the outcomes of the experiments.  Our first experiment was to put bread in a sandwich bag and watch it change over time, we’ve predicted that the bread would change to a green and black colour and it would become hard.  Our second experiment was covering an egg with cola and vinegar and see if its properties changed.  For the egg in cola we predicted that the egg would get darker in colour and for the egg in vinegar we predicted that the shell would become wrinkly.  Our last experiment was making a volcano with cola and mints, all the children were excited to see the results and loved watching the cola explode.

We have been playing lots of turn-taking games, matching colours and items to the correct cards.   We used magnetic shapes, sticking the magnets together to build buses and cars.  We also created our name trains, putting the letters of our names into the correct order for the carriages.  This week we are very sad to be saying goodbye to Mrs Kelha.  She has been amazing in Nursery and I’m sure that the children will agree with me that she will be missed.  We wish her all the best in her new adventure.

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Published on 23rd May, 2024

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