19 July 2024

ATW Nursery news – Pirates and transitions

What a lovely week we have had in Nursery.  We have been looking at Jake’s first day, which has helped us to understand what will be happening when we start Reception in September.  All the children were able to ask questions about Reception and they have been able to meet their new teachers.  We have made the most of our last week together and been playing with pirate ships, building our own ships and hunting treasure using our telescopes.

On a personal note it has been a pleasure to teach you all this year! It’s been a privilege to watch you all learn and grow into such amazing children.  The staff in Nursery are proud of you all and the Reception teachers are lucky to have such kind and wonderful children moving up into their classes.  We wish you all the best in Reception!

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Published on 19th July, 2024

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