Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended the meeting last night all about our residential camping trip to Cuffley!
For those unable to make it, a recording of the meeting is available below, along with a copy of the presentation. Further to that, here are some of the key details you need to know:
- Wednesday 4th June, 9:00am– Friday 6th June, 4:00pm
- 3 days, 2 nights:
- Sleeping in tents;
- Outdoor, wilderness activities and experiences;
- Travelling by coach;
- The activity centre is in Cuffley – around 1.5 hours drive away;
❧Overall cost: £260, or £130 if eligible for free school meals
❧£20 deposit/ £10 deposit by the end of October
The Trust would like to once again encourage as many children as possible to come on the trip and gain this once-in-a-lifetime experience, so please do talk to your child’s teacher or contact Mr. Francis if you have any questions or concerns.
Video link:
School Journey Parents Meeting Sept ’25
Active Learning Centres Cuffley website: