What a wonderful afternoon Yellow and Red Classes have had at Beulah today. They had a very exciting visit from ‘Zoolab’ who brought a variety of different mini-beasts and a reptile for us to see. It was lovely to see how brave and kind the children were when handling the mini-beasts! We were even more impressed to see some of the children wanting to hold the mini-beasts in their hands. When holding the African snail, one of the children said, “Miss Butler the snail is cold and slimy.” The children got to meet many different mini-beasts including a tarantula, a scorpion, a cockroach and a snail! We even got a special reptile treat which was a corn snake! Did you know that if you put a cockroach in the freezer for a whole year, when you take it back out again it can come back to life! What a superhero mini-beast!