We have all really enjoyed our class assemblies this half term and it’s so nice for the children to have the opportunity to share their work with parents and other children. Our class assemblies are arranged in ‘odds and evens’ so that Year 3 and Year 5 perform to each other, and Year 4 and Year 6 perform to each other. 6B-Shire kicked things off with a thought provoking assembly about the problems of peer pressure – excellent advice for children who will be going off to secondary school in the not too distant future. 3N-New Forest gave us an excellent English lesson based on their work on Aesop’s Fables, particularly the lessons to be learnt from the fable about The Tortoise and the Hare. The stage was transformed into a beautiful rain forest so 5P-Lipizzan could retell the story of The Great Kapok Tree by Lynne Cherry and educate us all about rainforest ecology. Finally, this week, 4G-Morgan gave a theme appropriate (bearing in mind it’s Thematic Week) assembly about the devastation of Pompeii. The on-stage behaviours have been exemplary and it is great that all our children have the opportunity to perform on our theatre stage to such an eagar audience.