09 October 2024
The Afrolights visit Brigstock!
At the end of last year, Whitehorse Manor-Brigstock trialled the ‘The Powers of Positivity’ (TPOP) wellbeing Programme in Year 2 with Miss Gordon and Miss McKenzie.
Please click here for more details.
At the end of last year, Whitehorse Manor-Brigstock trialled the ‘The Powers of Positivity’ (TPOP) wellbeing Programme in Year 2 with Miss Gordon and Miss McKenzie.
On Tuesday, the sun was shining and Year 1 were all set for their walk to Trumble Gardens.
On Friday 20th September, Brigstock celebrated Jeans for Genes Day. Everyone (Including staff) came dressed to school in as much denim as possible.
This week ahs been a fun packed week full of activities linked to Reading.
On Monday, Ash Class (Year 2) were buzzing with excitement as they came into school.
Wow! Brigstock’s Museum looked absolutely AMAZING today! The children have worked so hard to produce such wonderful written work, art work and DT pieces.
We are fully in the swing of Christmas here at Brigstock!
It is my pleasure to introduce you all to our newest Brigstock recruit- Our lovely garden scarecrow.
To culminate the end of our science topic, Evolution and Inheritance, Year 6 have spent a fantastic day at the Natural History Museum!
Wow, what a lovely week we have had at Brigstock. The children have been busily working on their BHM art work, in preparation for Mrs Stephenson-Tye’s display.
I can’t believe how quickly this half term has gone. The Reception children in Willow class have settled so well and are fully into the swing of their new routines.
On Friday morning, we opened the doors for our McMillan Coffee Morning.
The JTA’s (Junior Travel Ambassadors) are encouraging all staff, pupils and carers to dispense with their cars on Friday 29th September and explore other modes of transportation to and from school that day.
Today, both staff and children came dressed to school in as much denim as possible in order to raise awareness and money for the charity ‘Jeans for Genes’.
Last week, our young gardeners worked really hard to clear the rainwater from the holes that had previously been dug and prepared the area for planting.