14 June 2024
WHINF – Fun with Zoolab!
This week in Reception we were fortunate enough to have a very exciting visit from ‘Zoo Lab’!
We are looking to appoint newly qualified and experienced teachers across The Pegasus Academy Trust.
Positions are available immediately or from September. If you would like more information or just to chat informally please contact Lynne Sampson, one of our Executive Principals on recruitment@pegasusacademytrust.org
This week in Reception we were fortunate enough to have a very exciting visit from ‘Zoo Lab’!
This week is science week and reception have enjoyed engaging in lots of fun science experiments!
This week in reception we have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk.
This week Reception have had a fun filled week learning about the fairytale ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’.
This week we welcomed back Reception and jumped straight into our new topic ‘Once upon a time’.
This week reception have been looking at the story ‘Clean Up’ by the author Nathan Bryon.
This week, Reception have been reading the story ‘Zog and the Flying Doctors’ by the author Julia Donaldson.
This week reception held a Mastering Number workshop where we invited all of the grown-ups to attend a short interactive session, to support the children’s learning in maths.
In reception our topic this half term is ‘People Who Help Us’ and this week, reception got the exciting opportunity to have a visit from the local fire brigade!
Over the past few weeks, reception have been preparing for our very exciting ‘Museum Day’!
This week reception have been reading the story ‘Bog Baby’ by the author Jeanne Willis.
For the past two weeks we have immersed ourselves in the story of ‘The Gruffalo’ by Julia Donaldson.
What a fun filled day reception had on Monday! We were fortunate enough to have a special visit from Professor Bubble Works who helped us make slime!
This week reception have been getting ready for Christmas in a number of ways.
A huge well done to all of the reception classes as they did a fantastic job performing for their grown-ups and loved ones at their Christmas concert.