06 March 2023
Atwood’s Well being Post for Spring Term 2
Value your Achievements- this article links with Atwood’s children focussing on the Value of Mutual Respect and the celebration of diversity.
Please click here for more details.
Value your Achievements- this article links with Atwood’s children focussing on the Value of Mutual Respect and the celebration of diversity.
Mr Veale’s welcome The Atwood collective has made it to March.
We said goodbye to our lovely colleague Mrs. Sales at Ecclesbourne on Friday as she leaves us for retirement by the sea.
Mr Veale’s welcome We all hope that you had a good half term.
Mrs Hutchinson has long coordinated the Books for Africa scheme which sees books that are no longer being used at Atwood being sent to Africa so that children there can learn to read.
Mr Veale’s welcome It would be remiss of me to not start my newsletter this week without wishing Mrs Standing all the very best as she commences her maternity leave.
In year 3 we have been studying variations of the Cinderella story.
Mr Veale’s welcome We have made it through January. At the time of writing, the intensity of the sunlight is getting brighter and stronger, as the Sun appears to climb higher in the sky.
Year 2 Budding letter writers visit the postbox. In Year 2, we have been learning about letter writing in our English lessons and about toys in our topic learning.
Mr Veale’s welcome No sooner than I have put my finishing touches on last week’s newsletter than it’s time to write the next one.
A little while ago, I promised that I would write a half termly article focusing on mental health and wellbeing as this aspect of our everyday lives is so important to us all leading a happy and rewarding life.
In Year 3, we have been studying the book ‘Jemmy Button’ by Jennifer Uman and Valerio Vidali.
Mr Veale’s welcome Shocking electricity prices This week, the children have experienced another cold snap.
Mr Veale’s welcome My goodness, time is flying once again. Who would have thought that this weekend marks the halfway stage of January?
Mr Veale’s welcome We all hope that you had a restful Christmas holiday and that you are gradually getting back to normal as we near the end of the first week of 2023.