
Admissions for all schools in the Pegasus Academy Trust, as well those at the Brigstock site, are co-ordinated by Croydon Council according to the admissions policy for the Trust which can be found at the end of this page. For the academic year 2025/6 Atwood Primary School has its own admissions policy.

Staff at the schools have no influence on the allocation of places either for our main intake reception aged children each September or for those children who join us at other times – for instance when families are new to the area. Parents of children who will be joining reception classes in the following September should look at the advice given on Croydon’s website in order to familiarise themselves with the process.  All admissions to our schools are now done electronically through ‘e-admissions’.  If you would like any help with the process our front office staff can assist.  Please visit any of our school offices and speak to the staff there.

School visits

For those parents who will be applying for a reception place for their child for September 2026 we have arranged a series of visits so that they can look around the schools with senior staff. If you wish to view a school please telephone and book. Obviously we have to limit numbers so only parents/carers who have booked will be able to attend.

Atwood Primary

  • To be arranged
  • Please ring the school to make an appointment to visit on 020 8657 7374

Beulah Infants:

Cypress Primary

Ecclesbourne Primary:

Whitehorse Manor Brigstock site

  • To be arranged
  • Please ring the school to make an appointment to visit 020 8684 3613

Whitehorse Manor Infants (main site)

Appeals timetable

Appeals against admission decisions for Reception places are held according to a strict timetable which applies to all Academies in Croydon in accordance with the admissions code. These arrangements can be found in the downloads section below.  There is more information on the Croydon Council website here

Whitehorse Manor Junior School does not admit reception aged children but when places become available these are also allocated by Croydon Council.

It is the wish of the Directors that all schools within the Pegasus Academy Trust continue to provide education to local children and at present 90% of our children walk to school. We hope you will come and look around the schools and choose one of the schools run by the Trust for your child.

We look forward to meeting you.

First published on 16th June, 2017 and modified 13th March, 2025

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