Welcome Back to Spring 1, 2025!
How wonderful to see the children in Rainbows and Nursery back in Little Cypress, brimming with stories from the Christmas holidays and happy to see their friends and get back in to the school routines! The children settled straight back in to the school day and have been ready to learn.
Daily Mile
At Cypress, every class from Rainbows upwards has been running a mile each day. This roughly equates to 6 laps of the top playground and we are doing this every single day, come rain or shine. We have been so impressed with how the children have taken this challenge on board and what brilliant runners these young children are….move over Usain Bolt! We have remembering to stay behind the adult at the front and try and stick to the edges of the playground so that we are not cheating with the distance!
Read more about this great initiative by clicking here
Makaton Sign of the Week
As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. It is a very useful one for our snack time: milk! Click here to see how to sign the word milk.
Jack Frost…
Jack Frost has been visiting us this week and leaving us his tell tale signs of icy, sparkling frost; sprinkling his glitter over the trees and our playgrounds and buildings. We have been wrapping up extra warmly this week when we have been playing outside and trying to remember which ones are our hats, scarves and gloves – this matching-up process is often very complicated!
We have been thinking about Winter colours such as white, blue and silver and making our own repeating patterns with shapes and ‘cold’ colours.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team