Christmas, Christmas, Christmas is the theme in Nursery this week.
We have been very busy practising our Christmas songs ahead of our classroom performance on Monday 16th December as well as making some props for display.
Whilst we have been busy creating props, it has also encouraged us to decorate our room with some more winter crafts including ‘My snowman melted because…’. The children thoroughly enjoyed creating a melted snowman and exploring why it could have melted away. They have been very funny to read, especially one answer “…because I didn’t take care of it!”
Our literacy carpet sessions have begun to focus on the history of Christmas and the story of Jesus through the book ‘The Nativity’ by Anna Milbourne. We have learned some new vocabulary from our book, including; ‘manger’, ‘stable’ and ‘shepherd’. We are continuing with this book up until the end of the term. Next, the children will be asked to sequence the story of Mary, Joseph and the birth of Jesus.
During our Phonics session this week, we have been learning the initial sound ‘n’. We have also been singing one of many, nursery rhymes; Miss Molly Had a Dolly. The children have been learning rhyming words from our nursery rhyme. As a class, they collectively matched ‘bed’ and ‘head’ as rhyming words as well as ‘pill’ and ‘bill’.
Nursery has been recapping all their mathematical knowledge from this term including awareness and recognition of numbers 1-3 and 2D shapes; Circle, Triangle, Square and Rectangle.
Dates to be aware of;
Monday 16th December – Christmas performance AM 11am, PM 2:30pm
Friday 20th December – Party Day
January TBC – Forest School will resume