18 October 2024

Beulah celebrates Black History in style

This week, Beulah has been buzzing with Black History and the catchiest song ever written. Like every year, the children have researched contemporary black people and learned about their background and how they shaped the narrative for the future generations to come. All the classes read ‘Change sings’ by Amanda Gorman and Mr Smith turned the words from the story into a song.

The theme for Black History Month is “Reclaiming Narratives” with a special emphasis on correcting the narratives of Black history and culture. We talked about the importance of Black History and how it is not talked about enough. Mr St Aimee highlighted the importance of teaching young people black history.

During our assembly, we talked about different famous British black people who shaped the narrative; Stormzy and Desmond Dekker. Surprisingly, Desmond Dekker only lived a few roads away from Beulah Infants! All these inspiring people came from different backgrounds, different upbringings and now have various careers such as, artists, singers, rappers, authors, illustrators and politicians.

Mr St Aimee, really stressed to the children that they are the change. The climax of the story was a wonderful performance and the unveiling of a stunning piece of collaborative art.

If you are interested in finding out more about Black History Month, please visit the website:

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Published on 18th October, 2024

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