12 July 2024

ATW Nursery news – Oceans, time and making playdough

Following on from last week, in Nursery we are still exploring the book ‘Commotion in the Ocean.’  All the children enjoyed listening to the different poems and trying to remember them all.  We have been magnet fishing sea animals and counting how many we can catch, as well as exploring pirate ships and shells in the deep blue sea.  We used bottled paints to create our ocean scene, really enjoying watching the paint splat on the paper.  We used our fine motor skills to cut out sea creature puppets and used our imaginations to create our own stories which were amazing!
In maths we have been exploring the use of time language.  This inspired us to go to the cooking room and make some playdough.  All the children were told the recipe and throughout they guided us by telling us how much of each ingredients we needed to add. They did a fantastic job at remembering the quantities!  Once we’d added the ingredients, all the children gave the playdough a big stir and it was ready to be cooked.  Whilst waiting for the playdough to be cooked, the children were able to explain what happened to it using time words.  They explained that first the ingredients were all in their own pots, then they got mixed together and now it’s made playdough.  Well done Nursery!

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Published on 12th July, 2024

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