12 July 2024

ATW Reception news – Bees and growing food

This week in Reception, the children have been learning all about bees. They started by investigating how bees make honey, which has a decidedly grotesque stage. They used non-fiction books and the internet to research and answer their questions. It was discovered that bees are a vital part of the pollination process and without bees, many foods would not grow. The children checked the peas plants that they had sewn in spring. Many pods were growing thanks to our little yellow and black friends. Crafting was prolific this week, with bee headbands and mini bees proving very popular.

Yellow Class had their last Forest School session. Before going, the children dug up the potatoes they had planted and were delighted to find a bumper crop. The children sat around the fire circle and a large fire was lit. While the potatoes roasted, everybody had fun making rivers of mud and climbing in the trees. Mint was collected to enjoy with the potatoes back in class. Thank you to all the parent volunteers who have helped out this year in both classes.

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Published on 12th July, 2024

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