28 June 2024

CYP LOWER: Sunshine, Sports and Seve in Little Cypress

Endings and New Beginnings

It seems impossible to believe that we only have three weeks left of this Summer Term! It is racing by, yet we are still very busy and making the very most of every day. This week the Nursery children found out which Reception Class they will be going to in September and there has been lots of excited chatter about whether they are in Yellow, Orange or Red and which friends they will be with in their new class. In the last three weeks, we will be visiting the new classes to get used to them before September.

Sunny Days 

The week started off with a mini heatwave and has cooled down a little as the week went on. We have been so good at remembering to drink plenty of water and put our hats on when we are in the sunshine. We are also getting so good at re-applying our sunscreen when needed during the day. The lovely weather has meant we have been making the most of our wonderful outdoor areas. This week Nursery have been practising the races we will be doing for Sports’ Day next Friday and have been trying really hard to keep in the lines!


We have been learning about butterflies through the story: ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. We have made our own caterpillars with sticks and pipe cleaners, cut out different pictures of butterflies to practise our cutting skills and played with our ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ tuff tray.


Seve, our school therapy dog, has been spending lots of time with us down in Little Cypress this week. It has been so heart warming to observe how the children who may have initially been wary of dogs, have come to love Seve and be far more confident around him. He has been lucky enough to get lots of pats and hugs from both the Rainbow and Nursery children, as well as some very enthusiastic grooming!

Makaton Sign of the Week

The Makaton Sign of the Week is very apt for an Olympic year and with our Sports’ Day looming. It is the word medal. Click here to see how to sign the word medal.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you at the Summer Fayre tomorrow, Saturday 29th June!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 28th June, 2024

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