26 June 2024

Eco Friends Earn The Green Flag!

A huge congratulations to all of the Eco Friends at Whitehorse Infants as they have achieved a prestigious Eco Schools Green Flag!  They have worked tirelessly all year to improve our school, including putting labels on the recycling bins, installing a battery recycling bin, investigating the local biodiversity and conducting litter picks both in school and in the local community.  In their feedback the National Eco Schools team described the Eco Friends as ‘enthusiastic Eco-Committee members’ and said that they ‘have educated, inspired, and empowered young people in (our) school, and they are now carrying this passion into their homes and community, sharing it with friends and family’.  Thank you to all of the children, staff members and parents who have supported the Eco Friends on their journey to achieving the green flag, we couldn’t have done it without you.

Well done Eco Friends, we did it!!

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Published on 26th June, 2024

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