21 June 2024

CYP LOWER – Farming Fun in Little Cypress

Farming Fun

The children in Little Cypress have been continuing learning all about The Farm. They have been thinking carefully about all the animals who live on a farm and where those animals might live. For example: the pig in a sty, the horse in a stable, the dog in a kennel, the hen in a hen house and the duck in the pond. We used our amazing and ever-improving cutting skills to cut out the farm animals and stick them in the correct place. We did so well and the adults were so impressed!

The children in Rainbows had a wonderful time letting their toy pigs play in the mud (which was actually cornflour and chocolate powder!) They used their language skills brilliantly to describe the texture of the cornflour mixture as it created resistance. Haroon exclaimed: “It smells like chocolate and it’s good for pigs! It feels warm!”  Muddy pigs need to get clean and the children did a great job of washing all of the pigs with warm water and scrubbing all the ‘mud’ away with toothbrushes!

Makaton Sign of the Week 

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. Our Muslim friends and colleagues all over the world have been celebrating Eid and we wish them all a very happy Eid Mubarak. A friendly Arabic greeting when you meet someone is: ‘Al Salam Alicoom’, which, in English means ‘Peace be Upon You’. Click here to see how to sign this greeting.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and we look forward to sharing our last four weeks of the term together.

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 21st June, 2024

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