21 June 2024

ATW Nursery News – Forests and space

This week children in Nursery have been reading the book ‘Tree’. This has encouraged us to talk about what we may find in a forest, such as trees and animals and has helped us to share experiences from home.  Carrying on from this, we have been looking at natural resources and have made rubbings of leaves and pine cones, and have been amazed at the different patterns we could make using a range of objects.  We also put our creative thinking to use and managed to make woodland animals out of playdough, using marbles for eyes and lollipop sticks for hedgehog spines.  We spent a lot of time all putting our ideas on the animals and even giving them names.  We made our animal masks, using our fine motor skills to cut them out and stick a lollipop stick on them.  We then used them in the role play area pretending to act like different animals.

Not only have we been looking at forests, but we also went on our very own journey to space!  We were so excited to get into their space outfits and board our rocket ship.  We confidently counted backward from 10 and shouted “blast off”, launching us into space and landing on the moon.  We watched a video of how astronauts walk on the moon and invented different walks and jumps so that we could go and explore.  Along the way we saw a cluster of stars, we gazed at them and saw how magical they were.  We explored different planets, counting them as we went and we managed to safely transport four planets back to Earth.   We met some aliens that needed our help as there were five of them and only two spaceships.  We all had to think of a way to help them. We used our problem-solving skills and soon the aliens on their way.  Throughout our journey we used our number consolidation skills, meaning our mission was now complete.  We were sad to be boarding the rocket ship again but managed to bring some souvenirs back with us. Some of the children even managed to sneak back an alien or two.  Once we landed back on Earth we decided to make our space rockets from building blocks and then we painted our aliens using our hands.

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Published on 21st June, 2024

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