12 June 2024

Beulah Gold class – Fun in the sun!

Gold class are enjoying the summer term!  The children have been busy planting and caring for the flowers that they have grown from seed.  They have really been excited with all of the learning around the topic ‘We all go travelling.’  They particularly enjoyed listening to the story “The Train Ride” and they loved talking about the story and sharing their own experiences of travelling on trains.  A few weeks ago, our children found a cocoon in the garden, while digging up the soil, and they kept it inside to keep it warm.  After two weeks, a beautiful moth emerged which both surprised and thrilled the children!
This Thursday, 13th June, is the Nursery Sport’s Day. The children have been busy practising their races and getting to know the way to the school field from Gold class.  Walking around the school is helping the children to prepare for their move into Reception in September.  The teachers have been so proud of the children in Gold class because they have shown everyone how nicely and quietly they can line up and walk around the school. Well done Gold class!

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Published on 12th June, 2024

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