07 June 2024

CYP LOWER: Little Cypress – Down on the Farm….

Back to school!

What a fantastic start we have had to our final half term of the academic year! The children have come back from the break raring to go, full of energy and enthusiasm, ready to explore and learn. It hardly seems possible that the end of the Summer term is fast approaching.

We have been learning about Farms and have remembered the names of so many farm animals, including roosters, donkeys, foxes, geese and Austin even suggested a pheasant! We have been listening to numerous stories about farms including: Farmer Duck, What the Ladybird Heard, Noisy Farm and Spot goes to the Farm.

For both our creative and physical development, we used toy tractors dipped in paint to make some amazing tyre track prints on large pieces of paper. It was great fun and we noticed how the paints changed colour once they were mixed together as tracks.

Some of the children have been making amazing models with the construction this week, including creating brilliant symmetrical jetpacks out of the Duplo!

The pleasant weather this week has meant we have spent so much time outdoors, exploring our wonderful surroundings and having so much fun as well. We have been practising our ball skills by aiming in our basketball net and trying to catch the balls in scoops. In Forest School this week we even found a stag beetle, which caused great excitement!

Makaton Sign of the Week

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. This week’s sign is tree. Click here to see how to sign the word tree.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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