07 June 2024

ATW Reception News – Farm trip to meet the minibeasts

What a day Reception has had.  All 59 children went for a trip to Godstone farm as part of our Beastly Beasties topic.

We started the day with all of the children excited about traveling on the school minibus and the coach we had hired.  Once at the farm, we had a full day of activities planned.  We did bug hunting in their minibeast garden and spotted lots of different creatures, including woodlice, bees and bees.  We also did a spot of pond dipping.  The children listened well to how to stay safe next to a pond and used the nets responsibly to see what they could catch.  Yellow class didn’t have much luck catching anything but Red class caught two fish!  Meeting the animals was a great activity and the children enjoyed meeting George the tortoise who was 97 years old, a baby turkey who was 2 days old and a bearded dragon who had an extra eye on top of his head to sense shadows.  The final activity was visiting the animal barn and feeding the goats.  One of the baby goats escaped from its pen while we were there. What a cheeky chap!  The highland cows were a highlight as they are such majestic animals.  We ended the day with a good old play at the big playground.  All of the children had been anticipating this all day and everybody had lots of fun running around with their friends.

A big thank you goes out to all of the adults who helped out.  The day ran so smoothly because of all of the different people who helped.  The children should also be very proud of themselves as they were so well-behaved.

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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