07 June 2024

ATW Nursery News – Rivers, patterns and Forest Learning

Nursery has had a lovely week we managed to look back at our bread in the window and see if our predictions were correct.  The children were really happy about being correct and were fascinated by the colour it had turned to.
We’ve been looking at repeating patterns which has encouraged us to find different objects in the environment to make lots of different patterns.  We had lots of fun putting different patterns together and using some of our favourite objects for them.
We have been reading the book ‘The River’ this was about a fish going on a journey.  We set up a river tuff tray which all the children had the opportunity to explore and they all engaged with what a river was and what animals we might find along the way.
We painted our fish and decorated them using different materials such as sequins, pom poms, and tissue paper.  Once we had completed our fish the children were able to tell me where their fish were going and who they were meeting.  This encouraged us to use our imagination and to tell our story in full sentences.  The children really enjoyed having the opportunity to tell us their stories and our fishes traveled to lots of different places such as Turkey, Disneyland Paris and even went to visit some mermaids.

At Forest Learning our mission was to find natural objects that we could turn into musical instruments, the children looked carefully and found all different objects such as sticks, leaves, pots, and pans.  We had so much fun listening to the different sounds they produced and making up our songs.

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Published on 7th June, 2024

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