23 May 2024

ATW Reception news – Storytelling and science

We have all had a lot of fun this week in Reception. The children have been busy creating their own stories as part of our Once Upon a Time topic. We looked at the book, ‘You Choose’ and everyone enjoyed choosing their favourite bits from the book. We introduced Helicopter Stories which is a method of allowing children to create their own stories which are either scribed or written down then acted out as a whole class. It has been excellent to see the variety of stories that the children created and how imaginative they all can be. We’ve had dragons and princesses as well as snakes and superheroes acted out on our stage.

This week is Science Week at the Pegasus Trust. We have conducted several experiments over the week, including exploding cola and observing the melting point of different materials. The children have been practicing their prediction skills, and they correctly predicted that the cola would explode if mints were dropped into the bottle. They also correctly predicted that a piece of ice, chocolate, and a knob of butter would melt in the sun, but were not correct about the playdough or pasta melting. 

Last week we grew cress as part of our learning about how plants grow. This week we made cress sandwiches using the cress we grew. For the sandwiches we needed butter, so we started with an experiment to see what would happen if we shook cream a lot. We started by making our predictions, some children thought it would explode while others thought the cream would change colour. The children all took turns shaking the jar of cream and observing the transformation. They were all surprised to see that their prediction of the cream turning yellow was half right, as it separated into a yellow, solid block of butter and a white, liquid called whey. We used the butter to make our sandwiches and the children enjoyed eating them. Albie said, “It’s too yummy, I want to have it again!”


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Published on 23rd May, 2024

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