16 May 2024

ATW Nursery News – Trains, sequences and Forest Learning

We’ve had another busy week in Nursery. We’ve been learning all about The Train Ride and designing our trains using different shapes.  We’ve fixed transport pictures by carefully cutting out the missing parts and sticking them in the correct places. We made lots of marks using trains in paint and enjoyed exploring tracks in the flour.  In maths, we have been learning about sequences and what makes a sequence.  We recognised numbers up to 10 written on trains and put the carriages in the correct order.  We also discussed a morning and evening sequence in which the children had to decide in what order we did things. The children enjoyed expressing their ideas and managed to get everything in the correct order. 

We had a lovely time at Forest Learning, collecting natural objects and sticks to make our journey sticks.  We enjoyed finding items that we could use on our journey sticks and were able to describe how they looked and what they felt like.  We also found a snail. We wanted to bring him back to Nursery but thought he should stay in the green grass.  We then headed back to Nursery and weaved thread onto our sticks so that we could decorate them with flowers.

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Published on 16th May, 2024

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