26 April 2024

CYP LOWER: Growing and Learning in Little Cypress

Jack and the Beanstalk 

What a fabulous two weeks we have had back at school in Little Cypress! We have got straight back in to our routines and have loved listening to the story: ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ and joining in the repeated refrains of the Giant. We have been hearing lots of: “Fi, fi, fo, fum…” echoing around Nursery and Rainbows, with great enthusiasm! We have listened to different versions of the story and compared some of the differences as well as the similarities. We were very perceptive in noticing which versions included golden harps and golden egg-laying hens!

Planting and Growing 

Alongside our story-telling this week, we have been doing lots of work around growing. We have planted Cress Mountains using compost, mustard and cress seeds and cat grass seeds. We have been very vigilant in making sure that we keep the compost watered and we have been taking turns in using the water spray. Some of us found it tricky at first to push the trigger, but we soon got the hang of it and are now all dab hands at caring for our plants! We have been amazed at how quickly the cress and cat grass have been growing in just a few days and it has caused great excitement and conversations around what is happening from day to day.

We also planted our own individual beans to grow our very own beanstalks! We are making sure that our pots have sunlight and water and are closely observing them every day for signs of growth!

Makaton Sign of the Week

As usual, we have learned a new Makaton sign this week. This week’s sign is ‘Shalom’ which is the Hebrew word for ‘peace’ and ‘hello’. Click here to watch how you sign the word ‘Shalom’.

DfE Filming in Little Cypress

On Wednesday, we had some exciting visitors in Little Cypress. We were lucky enough to be chosen to be filmed for a promotional video for the DfE (Department for Education) to encourage people in to Early Years Education. The whole film crew loved seeing how brilliantly we play together and the way we interact with the environment and activities. We look forward to sharing the finished video with you all when it is ready and we know that the crew captured so many wonderful moments.

Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend!

Miss Chapman and the Little Cypress Team

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Published on 26th April, 2024

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