15 September 2023

Atwood Newsletter 15th September

It has been another busy week at Atwood.

After the corridors being empty last week, it is great to walk through the Early Years and hear the chatter and buzz of children in the classrooms.  It is lovely to welcome our new Reception and Nursery children to the school as they start their educational journey at Atwood.  They have settled in really well and their smiles and enthusiasm have been a joy to witness.  We look forward to watching them learn and grow over the years ahead.

Our learning this week

In Year 1 the learning this week has focused on using objects to represent numbers and writing sentences about ourselves using capital letters, full stops and finger spaces.

In Year 2 , the children have been busy rewriting their versions of ‘The Lonely Beast’ using their own characters.  We look forward to stories about lonely hamsters, lions, crocodiles and walruses -even a lonely Spiderman. In science, Year 2 have started looking at Animals including humans and learning about what animals need to survive.

In Year 3, the children have been busy partitioning 3 digit numbers and counting on in tens. They have also started a science focus learning about the scientific discoveries of Wilhelm Roentgenas well as starting their study of The Crystal Palace.

Year 4 have continued their work on ‘The Promise’ and used their artwork to illustrate parts of their stories Maths has been about reinforcing their understanding of place value and in Science the children are learning about solids, liquids and gases in their ‘States of Matter’ unit.  Year 5 have been reading more about the exploits of Bradley Chalkers in ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ and thinking about his character, as well as developing their gymnastic skills in P.E. and learning about Raiding and Trading in their Viking unit.


The majority of the Year 6 children have been away at Stubbers Adventure Centre this week and you can read more about their adventures on the website here.  Those children that stayed behind have been busy designing recipes and making cakes, visiting the park and taking a trip to Croydon to ‘Flip Out’ and the library.  No doubt they will all be tired and ready for the weekend.

General news

Please keep a look out for our termly year group newsletters which have come out today.  These contain lots of information about what your child will be learning this term and how you may be able to help them at home. Perhaps the most important message it contains is that ‘Every night is reading night’ as reading is the key to being a lifelong learner.  The newsletters are also available to view on the website here.

Again many thanks to the parents who have welcomed me to the school.  Apologies if I don’t quite know who all your children are yet but I’m managing to learn a few new names every day.  Also many thinks to everyone who supported our pre-loved uniform sale.  This morning’s sessions raised a fantastic £300 for the FOAP coffers.

As a final note, if you didn’t yet do so, take a moment to read the heart-warming story of one of our Atwood pupils being a superstar fundraiser here.

I wish you all a lovely weekend.

Mr. Robins

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Published on 15th September, 2023

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