Springtime has finally arrived at Beulah Infants Nursery School and we hope it is here to stay! We started our new fairy tales’ topic by reading the book ‘Little Red Riding Hood’ and we even got a visit from the Big Bad Wolf; it was such fun! To prepare for our visit from the Big Bad Wolf we practised our questioning skills, learning who, what, how and why questions – we wanted to find out why he tried to eat Grandma! In Reception we wrote a shopping list for Grandma, made a collage of the forest and cut out masks to act out our own Little Red Riding Hood story. In maths, we were learning different strategies for counting larger sets of objects. Did you know we have 30 children in each class? We also love playing outdoors, especially when the sun is shining. We now have a fantastic outdoor stage where we can perform songs, dances and shows using lots of different musical instruments!