As part of our learning about people who help us in an emergency, we have been looking at police officers and the role they play in our society. The children have enjoyed role playing being a police officers, especially as there seems to of been an influx of ‘baddies’ on sight! We have been creating jails to put them in using the construction materials, taking their finger prints as we process them into jail and making handcuffs to stop them from running away.
We were very luck to have a visit from Police Officer Pete and he told us all about his long career as part of the police service. He told the children that if they did want to become a police officer themselves, they would have to be good with people, as that is a vital part of the job. The children were particularly interested in how many ‘baddies’ he had caught and if any had got away! Luckily lot of baddies had been caught and only a few had got away. Pete showed that children the different hats a police officer might wear and everybody had fun trying them on. Next he demonstrated the handcuffs and all of the children were very excited to handle these and the truncheons’ were also very popular.
We finished the week thinking about the choices we make in life and how we can fill or empty people’s buckets of happiness. We all agreed that we would rather be bucket fillers, rather than dippers, and this would also keep us on the right side of the law!