‘Mathletics’ is an online resource that lets the children practise the skills that they will need to be successful in mathematics.
‘Mathletics’ is a very important part of our homework for children in KS2 and should be completed each week, with children expected to get 1000 points. Gold certificates are presented in assemblies. Children should login on the page below using their school logins which should be written in their reading diaries.
Parents please note: ‘Mathletics’ is differentiated according to progress and ability. If you feel the tasks your child is working on are too easy or too hard please speak to your child’s class teacher who will make the necessary adjustments.
Online Learning
NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
Login here for Atwood Primary School
Login here for Beulah Infant and Nursery School
Login here for Cypress Primary School
Login here for Ecclesbourne Primary School
Login here for Whitehorse Manor Infant School
Times Tables Rock Stars
In either paper form or online, Times Tables Rock Stars is a carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice.
Login here for Atwood Primary School
Login here for Cypress Primary School
Login here for Ecclesbourne Primary School
Login here for Whitehorse Manor Junior School
Spelling Shed
The Science of Spelling! The proven spelling scheme with spelling games enjoyed by millions of learners worldwide!
Lexia enables students of all ages and abilities to master essential reading skills.
If you have been issued with a Lexia login, please click here
Access to 25 modern foreign languages including French, German, and Spanish
It's never easy to know how to keep our children safe when they aren't with us, and sometimes even when are, if we don't know what's happening in their lives or on their devices! Who are they talking to, what are they doing, are they okay? Don't despair though...go to this page for help.
Little Wandle
The Pegasus Academy Trust uses the 'Little Wandle' phonics sysyem which is written and presented by practising teachers. Dedicated resources for parents include tips on how parents can use exactly the same techniques as those used by teachers within the Trust.
Purple Mash
At Pegasus we use the Purple Mash suite of programs to teach our computing curriculum. Children can use the same programs at home to enhance their digital skills across the whole curriculum with this award-winning teaching and learning software.
White Rose Maths
The Trust uses resources from White Rose Maths in many of our maths lessons in schools as part of our 'Maths Mastery' approach. Home learning activities are available by clicking the link.
Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy is a resources set up and taught by British teachers specifically for the period of the COVID lockdowns. There is specific content for each year group that may complement what we are doing in school or take learning in a whole new direction. -
BBC bitesize
BBC Bitesize
BBC bitesize is a set of learning resources, for all age ranges, that is designed to support lockdown learning. There are lots of videos, quizzes and practice activities including to help make learning fun -
Reading Cloud
Cypress and Atwood children can access your school library via Reading Cloud here.
Read Theory
(Best for Years 3-6) Read theory is an interactive comprehension program that learns as you go. You can login using your normal Google details. For video explaining login click here.
Maths At Home
Click here to access LGfL Maths at Home
Collins Connect
Free resources to help support your child's learning at home.
SingUp at Home
All around us, the world is changing and we're all adapting to new challenges. With so many children and young people now staying at home, we want to ensure that they are still able to experience the benefits of singing.