13 September 2024

Atwood Newsletter 13th September 2024

It has been lovely to welcome our new Reception and Nursery starters and their families this week as they begin their Atwood journey.  Elsewhere, the children have been launching into their learning and we will share some of their news next week.

In an effort to give you plenty of advance warning about dates where parents are invited to attend, we have compiled a list of events for your diaries along with a few other significant dates.  Although this is a fairly comprehensive list, there are still many dates that will be added as new things get booked in through the year so please keep up to date by checking newsletters.  In the unfortunate event that any of these dates need to change, we will endeavour to give you as much notice as possible.

Event Date

Class Assemblies

This year parents and carers will be invited to see their children perform an assembly sharing the work they have been learning in school.

Friday 8th November Magenta Class

Friday 15th November Cyan Class

Friday 22nd November Indigo Class

Friday 29th November Amber Class

Wednesday 15th January Jade Class

Friday 28th February Ruby Class

Friday 21st March Orange Class

Friday 2nd May Green Class

Friday 9th May Lavender Class

Friday 16th May Teal Class


Parents’ Evenings

More information will come out nearer the time explaining how to book your appointment slot.

Monday 7th October

Tuesday 8th October


Monday 17th March*

Tuesday 18th March

*Note Year 5 will be at Carrotty Wood this week so their meetings will follow in the next week

Christmas Productions

Parents/Carers are invited to watch.  Details will follow nearer the time.

Reception Friday 13th December Morning and afternoon performance

KS1 Nativity Tuesday 17th December Morning and afternoon performance

Year 4 and 6 Christmas show Tuesday 10th December (am and pm performances)

Year 3 and 5 Christmas Show Thursday 12th December (am and pm performances)

Museum Day

Museum Day is an opportunity for parents and carers to visit the school and see the work that the children have been completing in their Thematic curriculum.

Friday 7th February

Sports Days

Parents/Carers  are invited to join part or all of the sports activities – more information to follow

Reception Sports Day Friday 20th June

KS1 And 2 Sports Day Friday 27th June

Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly Friday 18th July 2025
Other Events Date

Jeans for Genes

Make a donation and wear denim / mufti in support of this charity event

Friday 20th September

Show Racism the Red Card

Wear red to raise awareness of this important issue

Friday 18th October
FOAP Events

Sunday 3rd November    Fireworks

Friday 13th December Christmas Fair (after school)

Friday 28th March 2025 Mothers’ Day Gift Sale

Friday 13th June 2025 Fathers’ Day Gift Sale


World Book Day

We celebrate our love of books by joining in this event annually. More information to follow

Thursday 6th March 2025
Y6 SATS week Monday 12th -Thursday 15th May 2024
Other events

Week beginning 14th October: Black History and Diversity celebration

Week Beginning 11th November: Friendship Week

Week beginning 3rd March: Book Week

Friday 4th July: Year 4 Camp Atwood


Many of you will be aware that nationally the government is pursuing a big push to tackle attendance rates in school.  This September they introduced new rules regarding school attendance including an increase in fines for term time holidays.  At Atwood it is not our policy to authorise holidays in term time.  Where authorisation is not granted then subsequent term time holiday absence will be reported as a matter of course to Croydon’s Education Welfare Service; we have a duty to do this.  Where unauthorised leave is taken, the Trust will support the imposition of a fixed penalty fine.  This can be very expensive and applies to any parents who book holidays in term time.

For more details about school attendance please see our website here:


More information from the Department for Education can be found here.


Jeans for Genes

Next Friday, the 20th September, we are inviting children to come to school wearing their jeans or as much denim as they can muster. We are asking for a small donation of £1 to support the work of Jeans for Genes.  Their campaign raises awareness of the daily challenges faced by those living with a genetic condition and raises money to fund projects that make a tangible difference to the lives of those affected.  Please note that there is no requirement to wear school uniform with your jeans but if you have PE on the day, please ensure that your child wears suitable footwear.

Parent Tours

We will soon be looking ahead to our new Reception intake for 2025. We will be conducting parent tours in the week beginning 4th November. If you are interested in touring the school, with a view to sending your child in September 2025 then please ring the school to make an appointment to visit on 020 8657 7374. Also, we currently have some space in our Nursery for this year and potentially a couple of spaces in Year One so if you know of anyone looking for a place at Atwood in those year groups, please spread the word.


Friday 20th September:  Jeans for Genes Day (Wear denim to support this charity)

Monday 23rd September:  Year 3 Trip to Crystal Palace Park

Monday 23rd September:  Year 6 Residential to Stubbers.

Monday 7th October: Parents’ Evening

Tuesday 8th October: Parents’ Evening

Friday 18th October – Show Racism the Red Card – Wear Red day

Monday 18th October –  Break for Half term

Wednesday 30th October – First day back to school

Friday 8th November: Magenta Class assembly

Friday15th November: Cyan Class assembly

Friday 22nd November: Indigo Class assembly

Friday 29th November: Amber Class assembly

Friday 20th December: End of Term

Monday 6th January:  Back to school

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Published on 13th September, 2024

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