12 July 2024

Atwood Football Tournament

On Monday, Atwood hosted a six team, seven a side football tournament for local schools.  Atwood entered two teams against teams from Courtwood, Whitehorse Juniors, Applegarth and Byron.  All the teams played round robin matches with two teams progressing to the final.  One of the Atwood teams made it to the final against Courtwood.  Atwood went ahead with an early goal but were pegged back to 1-1 in the closing stages meaning a penalty shoot out to decide the winners. After Nathan’s early saves, Courtney and Kai scored for Atwood to run out winners.  More importantly, the whole tournament was played in really good spirits with everyone enjoying the day and the opportunity to play against children from other schools.  Thank you to SAS and Mrs Christopher for putting the tournament together.

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Published on 12th July, 2024

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