01 July 2022

EPS Shines at Croydon Athletics

EPS shone in last week’s prestigious Croydon Interschool Athletics Competition.  Following a two year hiatus, the children could not wait to return to the summer showpiece and there were some fantastic results.  Atara in year 6 won a bronze medal for her sprint whilst Akai in year 3 brought home silver for his race.  Year 6’s Aaliyah came 8th in her high jump heat but improved to take away silver medal in the final.  Meanwhile, the boys’ sprint relay team achieved a silver in what was a thrilling final.  The biggest prize went to Kalvyn (also in Year 6) who proved himself to be the fastest boy in Croydon taking the gold medal.

Well done to everyone involved and to Coach Ronaldo for his support.  It was a fantastic week of competition with an amazing atmosphere and valiant effort from all the competitors.

Published on 1st July, 2022

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