It has been such an eventful week at Cypress! Monday and Tuesday saw the hottest temperatures ever recorded in the UK, and the sweatiest school days we’ve ever witnessed! We are so proud of our childen for persevering through the heat. Children stayed hydrated throughout the day and class water jugs and waterbottles were frequently replenished with ice and fresh filtered water. We used the coolest parts of the school during the day and stayed inside when the sun was at its highest. Well done to all of our children for showing resilience in difficult circumstances.
Well done to our Gold Award winners for being an fantatsic ‘Overall Pegasus Person’. Congratulations to: Ela, Freya, Jago, Eira, Zhane, Joe, Mathilde A., Jack, Lucy B, Antonia, Lucy, Neo, Polly, Ruby, Mathilde, Alana, Evie, Nicky,Ava, Ameli, Thiago and Lena! We also had our Reading Tree Rewards Assembly, celebrating children who have read every day consistently during the summer term. All children won a bookmark and were entered into a raffle prize. Winners of the raffle took home a book of their choice from a well-chosen selection! Well done to our book prize winners: Carianne, Livia, Sam, Penny, Ethan. Sebastian, Oliver, Sienna, Tamila, Nicole and Anna!
Well done to the children below who entered an in-house competition over the weekend with Crystal Palace Diving Club! What amazing results; we are very proud of you!
It has also been an emotional week at Cypress! Yesterday was the Year 6 disco. Children partied the evening away with their friends and teachers, enjoying pizza and ice-cream and taking hillarious selfies in our ‘selfie booth’ to celebrate their last year of Cypress. The children, who had dressed up for the occassion, looked so grown up – almost like secondary school children…
This morning was our Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly. Children shared their fondest memories and poetry and were awarded their leaving certificates and leavers hoodies. They shared their leavers songs and also shared some tears. Thank you to our Year 6 team for guiding our children through a tough year – special thanks to: Mrs O’Connor, Mr Opara, Ms Prideaux, Ms Brewer and Mrs Brathwaite. We are very proud of all that our children have achieved this year. As they leave us to embark on the next stage of their educational journey, we remind them to focus upon the positive changes that come with getting older and maturing, and all the new experiences and opportunities awaiting them. Photos and news about these events to follow!
Sports Day photos
Today is the last day to order photos, so please follow the links and information in this letter. 50% of proceeds will be donated to the Cypress PTFA.
Summer holiday activities
We have been receiving lots of information about local holiday activity clubs, many of which are free for families eligible for Free School Meals (FSM). Many restaurants are also providing discounted or free meals for children. Please keep an eye on our news story, as we’re adding new information when we receive it.
Have a wonderful summer break. See you on the 5th September!
Mrs Carpenter and the Upper School team